Congratulations! FT Group completes delivery of 74th country Sri Lanka!

Congratulations! FT Group completes delivery of 74th country Sri Lanka!





The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched a special campaign to recruit 100 million people in 2024

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2024 100 days of 10 million recruitment special action, with the theme of "Job-oriented future Dream youth", using 100 days to focus on providing more than 10 million jobs for college graduates and other groups, helping college graduates and all kinds of workers to find employment.





The report shows that the fierce competition for talents in the new energy automobile industry has increased

People's Daily, Beijing, May 14 (reporter Qiao Xuefeng) It is the recruitment season, the talent market heat continues to rise. Data show that in the first quarter of this year, although the competition for talent search is still fierce, the pressure for talent search has eased compared with the same period last year.





Recruitment in the spring of 2024:40% of employers' social recruitment is the same as the same period in 2023, and only 29% of employers maintain the number of school recruitment in the same period last year

The report says the job market is lagging and cautious relative to the improvement in national economic data. Machinery and equipment and energy and chemical manufacturing, FMCG retail industry employment demand is more active. In the first half of 2024, most employers still focus on "cost control" and "talent retention and motivation" as the main goals, and AI technology is already showing signs of changing jobs.





The Ministry of Education has issued a warning to college graduates to guard against "recruitment" traps when seeking jobs

CCTV news: At present, it is a critical period for college graduates to seek jobs, and the Ministry of Education issued a warning warning that some criminals are digging "pits" under the guise of recruitment, cheating money, stealing information, inducing crimes and other phenomena occur from time to time, seriously damaging the employment rights and interests of graduates. College graduates must enhance their awareness and guard against traps in the process of job hunting.





The Ministry of Education and social recruitment agencies to help college graduates secure employment in the AI industry demand

Beijing News Shell financial news (reporter Chen Weicheng) In 2024, the number of college graduates in China is expected to reach 11.79 million, another record high. The Ministry of Education deployed universities across the country to carry out the "100-day sprint" action on the employment of college graduates in 2024.





Deep cultivation of human resource service industry to help the society to unleash the talent engine

Job fairs, interviews, induction, in the eyes of the layman, this is "human resources services." And this is only the initial form of human resource services. Nowadays, double-end matching of big data algorithm, digital evaluation of talent quality, customized team training program... Human resource service has been extended to all aspects of enterprise human resource management.





The Ministry of Education has deployed universities across the country to carry out large-scale campus recruitment campaigns

In order to promote the connection between the supply and demand of talents between universities and enterprises in key fields, and help college graduates achieve high-quality and full employment, during the series of activities of the Employment Promotion Week for College graduates in 2024, the Ministry of Education deployed universities and colleges all over the country to carry out large-scale campus recruitment activities to help a group of graduates who have employment intentions but have not yet implemented their employment direction to achieve employment. We will accelerate the employment of college graduates.





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